
Thursday, April 28, 2022

What's On The Web: 'Global Methodist Church Launches, Though African Leaders Wait' And More

While departing US congregations begin the process of joining the new, leaner denomination, many conservatives in Africa are holding out for the much-delayed 2024 conference vote.

5 Essentials For Today’s Church To Thrive
The essential question is — Are people experiencing the difference in your church that you want them to experience?

5 Short-Timers Who Don’t Really Help Church Attendance
Sometimes, no matter what you do, people are going to leave. In my experience, there are five types of individuals who are most likely to not stay very long.

Half of churches say Sunday school, other education programs disrupted by pandemic
Overall, evangelical churches reported experiencing the least disruption to their educational programs, while mainline churches reported the most, followed by Catholic and Orthodox congregations.

Something That Recently Scared Me in Children’s Ministry
We are raising a generation of children who are biblically illiterate. This is reflected in the number of children who grow up and walk away from the church and even the faith.

Pastor: Define Small Group for Your Church
A word of caution--a group that is small in not necessarily a small group. What sets a small group apart from other groups is not just its size but its dynamics.

The Lost Art of Courage
Why holy boldness is not the same as being mean.

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