
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Church Leaders, Have We Lost Our Ability to Shepherd?

By James Scott, Jr.

My work leading an international parachurch ministry happily includes meeting and spending time with church leaders.

A while back, I was having lunch with a bright, young pastor and was using the time to get to know him better. As he described his work as a pastor and church planter he said, “What I really don’t enjoy much is shepherding.”

A shepherd who doesn’t enjoy shepherding?

It was not the first time a minister had said something similar to me.

One problem with a shepherd not enjoying shepherding is, when he must “shepherd,” he’ll do so half-heartedly or begrudgingly because he would really prefer to be doing something else. AND, the quality of his shepherding may be lacking, meaning those he shepherds often won’t get the spiritual leadership they need.

When shepherds aren’t really interested in the spiritual work that is the heart of their calling from God, the consequences of that lack of interest can negatively impact the people in the congregations they lead. Read More

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