
Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Finding God’s Will in Two Simple Questions

There’s a myth out there that there’s a sacred privilege for a few Christians who will one day look at their bowl of Cheerios and see their calling spelled out plain as day: pastor, teacher, missionary. And if you don’t have an experience like this, God’s simply not calling you into his service. All you have to do, un-called one, is be a good person, go to church, and pay your tithes.

I don’t buy it.

Sure, if God spells out something in your Cheerios, by all means, you should pay attention. But the reality is that all of us are called. I say it a lot: The question is no longer if you’re called; the question is where and how. The call to obey Jesus’ commission was bound up in the call to follow him. So while a lot of us are waiting to hear God’s will in a “still, small voice,” we already have the answer we need in Scripture.

How do we know what God’s will is for our lives? These two questions can guide us.... Read More

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