
Saturday, May 07, 2022

How to Get Over Your Big But

Some of you have big buts (the one “t” variety, not the other kind). By that, I mean you live in constant emotional and relational tension because you live in the land of but.

  • I know I’m supposed to forgive my spouse, but . . .
  • I know my BFF didn’t mean to be a jerk, but . . .
  • I know my dad didn’t intend to hurt me, but . . .
  • I know my spouse isn’t perfect, but . . .
  • I know my son is trying to change, but . . .
  • I know my boss didn’t mean to wound me, but . . .
Sadly, you’ve created a “yeah, but” world that is killing you. It’s robbing you of joy and creating unnecessary tension in your relationships. Worst of all, it’s setting you up to love conditionally. Read More
Folks who "yes but..." others secretly get a big kick out of it. Essentially their telling whoever is making a suggestion, offering them advice, or expressing an opinion, "You can't tell me what to think! You can't tell me what to do!" They are acting like a rebellious child.

It is bad enough doing it to our fellow human beings. It is really bad when we do it to God. "Yes, God, I know that we should love one another. BUT, I feel guilty and ashamed around that old guy because he was friendly and kind toward me and I was unfriendly and unkind to him."

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