
Monday, May 30, 2022

Pastor, Is What You’re Chasing Worth It?

God fills us with what we hunger for. If we’re hungry for Christ, we’ll look more like Christ. So, what are you chasing? Pastor, is it worth it?

By Andrew Hébert

As a leader, what are you chasing? What do you hunger for? What consumes your daydreams? Do you long for a larger church, a better salary, prominence, influence, or some version of the American dream? Or do you long to look and live like Jesus?

At a recent conference, I heard Gary Thomas share the story of two hikers who spent hours climbing a mountain. When they reached the top, they realized they climbed a different mountain than the one they had intended to climb. Somehow, they had gotten mixed up and realized too late they were standing on top of the wrong mountain.

Thomas made a simple application that crystallized an important truth for me: Make sure you don’t devote your entire life and ministry to the kinds of things that will one day leave you realizing you climbed the wrong mountain. Read More

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