
Monday, May 02, 2022

Seven Traits of the Successful Pastor of 2027

The conversations can be discouraging these days. Declining attendance. Conversions down. The great resignation. Closing churches.

Indeed, I have been one of the negative voices speaking about these topics. While my motivation has been to warn rather than discourage, I know the regular conversation of negativity can be disheartening.

Let’s flip the switch. Let’s take a trip five years into the future and look at what successful pastors did over those years. By “successful,” I mean pastors who led churches faithfully, reached their communities, and consistently made disciples. I am not speaking of numerical growth, though numerical growth would often accompany churches led by these pastors.

This exercise is not one of prophetic utterances. Instead, it’s a combination of biblical faithfulness, common sense, and how the pastors have responded during and since the pandemic. We’ve learned a lot from these leaders, and I think we will continue to learn from them as they manifest these seven traits. Read More
This is also a time of great opportunity. If we ask Holy Spirit's guidance and open ourselves to the Holy Spirit's leading, I believe that God will show us where to look for such opportunity, where we will find the set of circumstances that will enable us to accomplish great things for God.

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