
Friday, June 17, 2022

Fridays Catch: '3 Reasons Why Your Church’s Marketing is in Trouble' and More

Your church’s marketing may be in trouble and you’re not aware of it. Unless you have a clear idea of who you are, what you do, and why you do it, then your audience will be confused and your marketing will be ineffective. Here are three reasons why your church’s marketing may be in trouble....

Called to Show Up
Not only do people not want to go back to work, they don’t seem to be wanting to go back to church either.

The Ending of Seminaries as We’ve Known Them

It will take more than right sizing, relocations and reductions to put seminaries on solid ground. They need to rethink seminary education itself.

First-Time Guests at Church: 5 Things You Should Avoid
First-time guests at church are wonderful! But you need to handle them with care. If you’re asking first-time church visitors to do any of these things, you may be unknowingly pushing them away. Worst-case scenario, they might not return.

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