
Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Best Method For Discipling Believers In A Thriving Small Church

Could mentoring be part of the answer to the current wave of people – especially younger people – leaving the church in record numbers? The possibility is worth considering.

By Karl Vaters

“What discipleship curriculum do you recommend for small churches?”

I get asked that question a lot. And my answer almost always disappoints the questioner.

“Whatever works in your context.”

Here’s why I can answer so casually about such an important church subject. Read More
Discipleship is more than attending church, reading the Bible, and praying. It includes serving as Jesus' representatives and ambassadors to our community and the world,  engaging non-believers in spiritual conversations and pointing them to Jesus, discipling those whom God brings to a living faith in Jesus, and living our lives according to Jesus' teaching and example. When matching a new believer with a mentor, we need to be sure that the mentor meets all those requirements. 

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