
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Thursday's Catch: '5 Questions to Discern Spiritual Character in a Leader' and More

5 Questions to Discern Spiritual Character in a Leader
Character is that inward quality in a leader that doesn’t draw attention to itself, but you know it when you encounter it. It’s not easily captured in a resume but always reveals itself over time and under pressure.

What Do Future Pastors Need From the Church Right Now?
Knowing Scripture’s emphasis on training future pastors, how should the church today invest in and train the next generation of pastors?

Three Pursuits Better Than Being Right
As the church, our aim is not to be right on all things, in all the times. Rather, the Bible calls us to three pursuits of greater value.

How Should We Apply Biblical Narratives?
Most of us aren’t that haphazard when it comes to reading Scripture, but in our desire for truth, our desperation for guidance, or our questions about why God does what he does, we may similarly mishandle God’s Word, leaving us to “go and do likewise” in ways Scripture doesn’t actually prescribe.

The Prudence Bucket: Applying the Bible to Gray Areas
The Prudence Bucket is my way of referring to the reality that many aspects of local church ministry and life are matters of biblically informed prudence.

My Kid Doesn’t “Get Anything” Out of Church
The research shows that the times of worship and learning in the midst of the larger congregation, when they were children, are one of the leading reasons for increased “stickiness” of faith in young adults.

Do Not Hinder: Welcoming Kids to Worship
What we have to wrestle with is simply this: Jesus said to welcome children, explicitly and specifically, as though He knew we would have the tendency to push them away, to need a break, to not want the distraction. So, the church, as HIS body, it can’t just be about what we want.

10 Things I’ve Learned Being a Missions Pastor
Nathan Sloan shares 10 lessons he learned along the way as he has served his church in the role of missions pastor.

Doing Missions When Nationalism Is the Local Religion
Nationalism isn’t a neutral ideology, a benign cultural stump around which the missionaries must plow. Nationalism is an idolatrous ideology presenting itself as a religious surrogate and a competitor to the Christian gospel.

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