
Friday, August 26, 2022

Thursday's Catch: 'How to Care for Someone Walking Through Trauma' and More

How to Care for Someone Walking Through Trauma
While some can process their trauma on their own, people who care for them in the process can have a life-changing impact on most survivors.

When New Leaders Make Changes Too Soon...
A potential disaster is waiting to happen.

Leadership 101: You have to grow people up...
In a church, the most effective way of bringing about needed change is to “grow” people into the change.

Leadership Margin: 6 Indicators you May Have Exceeded Yours
Charles Stone shares what has helpe him keep healthy margins.

When was the Old Testament Written?
When was the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament (OT) written? The answer is complicated because the OT is not a single book—it’s a library. In addition, even within that library, the books themselves are not ‘books’ in the modern sense, but composite texts which themselves weave together both oral and written traditions—sometimes gathered together over centuries.

How John Owen Prepared Sermons
Jeremy Walker takes a look at how the Puritan divine John Owen prepared sermons.

Five Ways To Make Rehearsals Shorter (And Better)
...for all of the different ways rehearsals can be approached, there is always room for improvement. Specifically, there is a way to do more in less time.

The Transformational Love of Healthy Correction within Group Life
im Wilder and Michel Hendricks in their book The Other Half of Church can provide guidance within this particular area, explaining that “healthy correction” can be one of the best tools available to help us maintain our identity in Christ within a hesed community.

How to Guard Against Over-Reliant Discernment
As believers, we need to develop healthy and biblically-grounded discernment.

A Tribute to Kallistos Ware: Theologian Who Explained the Orthodox Way to Other Christians
As Orthodox Christians commemorate Metropolitan Archbishop Kallistos Ware, who fell asleep in the Lord early Wednesday morning in England at age 88, evangelicals also have a loss to mourn and reason to pray—as Orthodox funerals do—“May his memory be eternal.”

United Methodist Council of Bishops President urges end to "falsehoods," pivot to future
During his first address as Council of Bishops president, Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton urged fellow United Methodists to begin pivoting toward what they hope The United Methodist Church will be in the future.

The United Methodist Church's Judicial Council, the denomination's top court, clarifies property-transfer rules.
The Judicial Council has ruled that the process in Paragraph 2548.2 of the United Methodist Church's Book of Discipline “may not be used as a pathway for local churches to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church.” It may be used only to transfer property to a denomination with which the UMC already has an existing arrangement. The UMC has no such arrangement with the breakaway Global Methodst Church.

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