
Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday's Catch: 'Why Smaller Churches Are Making a Comeback' And More

For several decades, the larger church and the megachurch have received a lot of attention. We are now seeing a renewed focus on healthy smaller churches. In this podcast Mark Clifton and Thom Rainer look at the reasons why this phenomenon is taking place.

Why Theologians Aren’t as Excited About Chinese Christianity’s Growth as Sociologists
Success for the church looks different depending on your discipline.

8 Reasons Why Church Change is so Difficult
Awareness of how people’s brains work in response to change can help you craft more lasting changes. Here are eight reasons why change is hard.

Pastors Encourage Single Adults, Some Provide Targeted Ministries
Lifeway Research found some pastors specifically minister to single adults ages 30 and older in their churches, but many do not.

Pastoral Time Management: 3 Times It’s OK to Say ‘No’
In order to have time with Jesus, lead your family, and shepherd your church, your pastoral time management strategies must allow you to say “No.”

3 Steps to Build Sticky Small Groups
This is a very unique point in time to reach out as people are thinking about what’s important. To help them make wise decisions, and to thrive, you need to build Sticky Small Groups.

Religions have long known that getting away from it all is good for the mind, body and spirit
Rituals of rest and contemplation are woven into many religious traditions around the world.

5 Reasons to Be ‘All In’ at Church
...we’re seeing a trend of higher commitment among core church members. Why have they remained committed, and why do they desire to grow in their commitment?

If Gen Z is Awakened, Equipped and Unleashed
...they will change the way we do and view ministry forever.

GAFCON leading the way
A significant announcement was made this week, one which may change the Church landscape in Australia. The decision is not so much about changing the game but is confirming that we will not change the game. GAFCON is responding to what is a tireless intrusion onto Christian Churches by certain bishops and leaders who are trying to change the Gospel beyond recognition. They are not playing the same game as Christian Churches, but something quite different.

Southern Cross: The New Anglican Diocese
"We had hoped that our national church would resist the decline into liberal revisionist teaching … this hope was in vain."

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