
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday's Catch: '10 Simple Strategies that Have Helped Me as a Church Leader' And More

10 Simple Strategies that Have Helped Me as a Church Leader
Are you still learning how to be a leader? I am still learning myself, and I’m grateful for what I’ve learned from others. Here are some of those simple strategies....

How Do You Listen to a Sermon? From the Scriptures and catechism, we can draw out four principles that show whether we are sincere hearers or not.

Closing Prayers for Small Group Meetings
“When it comes to prayers for small group meetings, what is the best way to close a group meeting in prayer?” Great question! There are several parts to my answer.

Learn to Preach the Gospel to Yourself
How different would your life be if you preached the Gospel to your own heart more regularly?

Is Your Gospel an Urban Legend?
If you talk a big game about “the gospel,” but don’t live like it’s true, the people you do life with will begin to suspect you don’t actually believe it. Worse yet, they may begin to disbelieve it themselves.

10 Things Every New Christian Should Know
...if you are off by a few degrees at the start and you travel that path for a while, you will be off by miles later.

5 Questions to Help Change Unwanted Thoughts
Do you struggle with thoughts you don’t want?

Why Do We Need to Keep Praying “Forgive Us Our Debts”? 
Forgiveness is the key ingredient not only in marriage but in any relationship involving sinners. If your friends are going to stick around, if you are going to see your relatives more than once a year, if you plan to work in the same place with the same people for any length of time, if you want to be happy in the church (or simply not give up on the church), you need to learn forgiveness. You need to grant it, and you need to receive it.

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