
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday's Catch: 'Anglican Division over Scripture and Sexuality Heads South' and More

After Lambeth conference steers bishops to agree to disagree on LGBT clergy and marriages, African conservatives chart a new course.

‘Community Lighthouses’ powered by the sun and volunteers
One more way churches can serve a neighborhood or a community. They can become become electricity hubs for the neighborhood or community in an extended power outage.

Christ’s Crucifixion Isn’t Child Sacrifice
Given that the historic understanding of the atonement has fallen out of favor with some deconstructionists, let’s consider three reasons why characterizing it as child sacrifice is inappropriate.

How Not to Waste Everyone’s Time with Snooze Fest Church Meetings
How can we make church meetings be less of a snooze fest and more engaging and valuable?

Open Groups Versus Closed Groups
Open small groups and closed small groups both have their advanatges and disadavantages.

Innovate Your Way to Better Small Groups
Here are a few key highlights from Matt Ridley's How Innovation Works as they related to Small Group Ministry.

4 Thoughts on Mission, Church, and Technology
Every new technology provides an opportunity for gospel advancement.But technology also presents us significant challenges.

The What and Why of Mentoring
This article is adapted from Growing Together: Taking Mentoring beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests by Melissa B. Kruger.

The Five Marks of Spiritual Maturity
You don’t get to be mature by comparing yourself to anyone else. You become mature by comparing yourself to the Word of God. The book of James is a manual on how to be mature. It gives us five marks of spiritual maturity.

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