
Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday's Catch: 'Beware the Habits of Controversy' And More

Beware the Habits of Controversy
"Love without holiness turns out to be compromise...Holiness without love is hard and lacks beauty."—Francis Schaeffer

Two Specific Ways You Claiming “Follower of Christ” Could be a Liability for Christ
How can you follow and serve to become a better leader?

Why They’re Not Coming Back To Church (And What To Do With Who’s Left)
The Great Return to church has become the Great Realization: Maybe they’re not coming back. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.

Online Church is a Tool, Not the Goal— Embodied Community is the Goal
Having an online presence is one thing. But it still begs the question: Can an online gathering of Christians be classified as a church?

20 Truths About the Strength of Small Churches
Ron Klassen, a longtime advocate for small and rural churches, shows the hope we have in the small church by describing what a healthy small church looks like, what effective preaching sounds like, and what relational Christianity could be like when lived out in the context of a small church.

Should Drinking Alcohol Disqualify a Pastor from Ministry?
The churches that I attended in my childhood and youth belonged to a tradition that permitted the consumption of alcoholic beverages in moderation. In my family, however, the only alcohol in our house was in Christmas puddings, fruit cakes, and trifles and in the medicene cabinet.

7 Simple Prayer Ideas for Daily Prayer
Here are seven prayer ideas that are practiced consistently in Scripture. While they may be used for personal prayer, they are also useful useful in corporate settings.

11 Quotes on Prayer from Teresa of Avila
Teresa of Avila was a Spanish Carmelite nun born in 1515. She was a theologian who focused on mental prayer where one loves God and spends time in His presence though dialogue, meditating on the Word and contemplating His face. Her books on prayer have been considered Christian classics.

5 Commandments for Becoming a Media Savvy Pastor
Before you start, there are some critical things you need to know to be an effective media savvy pastor. Here’s five vital principles as you begin your journey.

What is a Healthy Number of Groups in a Church?
You work hard in your small group ministry. It’s great to know how well you’re doing, right? So, what is a healthy number of groups in a church?

Americans’ Theological Beliefs Changed to Suit Post-Pandemic Practice
With many theological beliefs remaining stable, shifting beliefs point to where changing culture may be impacting religious perspectives.

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