
Friday, September 09, 2022

Prayers for the United Kingdom's New Sovereign


When I read the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth on Google News yesterday, I was deeply saddened. The late Queen was crowned Queen of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland five days before my fifth birthday. I have no memory of the event, but my grandparents, mother, and aunt had memorabilia from the occasion—coronation mugs and a miniature royal coach and horses, the one in which Elizabeth rode to her coronation. I collected stamps as a boy and I had stamps bearing her image in my collection, as well as the image of her father, George VI.

Her oldest son Charles ascends the throne at a difficult time in world history as did his mother in 1952. The only power that the monarchs of the United Kingdom have in the twenty-first century is their moral authority. They can use that authority for good or they can use it for ill. Elizabeth used hers for good. When she first ascended the throne, she asked for prayer. Charles will need our prayers too.

Lord God, heavenly Father, from your throne you behold all the inhabitants of the Earth. We humbly beseech you to look with favor upon your servant, King Charles, and so fill him with the grace of your Holy Spirit, that he may always incline to your will, and walk in your way: endue him plenteously with heavenly gifts; grant him good health and a long life; give him strength and courage to be a true leader to his people even in the face of adversity; and at life’s end, receive him into heaven’s everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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