
Thursday, September 08, 2022

Thursday's Catch: 'A Ride Worth Leaving: Escaping the Anxiety of the Modern Church' And More

A Ride Worth Leaving: Escaping the Anxiety of the Modern Church
Despite the proliferation of Christian blogs, podcasts, conferences, and pseudo-celebrity religious influencers, there has been a mass exodus of younger generations from the church, deep fractures suddenly running through churches that not long ago had been relatively harmonious, and overall, the waning influence of Christianity upon our culture. Much energy has been spent going nowhere. How could this be?

A place to connect: New church construction reflects needs for today
Coupled with the recent church planting movement in the SBC, churches are getting a new look with architects and ministry leaders focused on the needs of today while not ignoring the input of those like Burroughs from a century ago. One of the operative words in developing those plans is “together.”

8 Ministry Staff Recruiting Flags
As staff recruiting in ministry world continues to evolve and become more competitive and sophisticated in recent years, churches and recruiting firms have developed a keen sense of red flags during the recruiting process that relate to whether a candidate is a good fit for your church or not. Those red flags may be a bit different from church to church but there are many red flags that are fairly consistent across the board.

7 Examples of Bad Friends Who Are Sure to Ruin Your Life
Your friends can challenge you to achieve things you never imagined. Your friends can also cripple your dreams, leaving you on a two-lane road feeling hopeless.

Serotonin and Depression: 4 Questions and Answers About a New Study
What surprised me about ths article is that some Christians continue to equate depression with sin! Christians, like other human beings, experience annxiety, depression, and other problems that affect their mental health. Tying these conditions to sin shows a lack of understanding and a lack of Christian charity.

The Hope, Heart, and Habits of Your Legacy
Do you think about the legacy others left for you? What do you imagine your legacy will be? Legacy is about making a positive impact that results in the enduring good of others.

Why You Should Teach Your Church Members to Understand the Bible as a Whole
Your church may be lagging in health because your members do not understand the Bible well. Sam Rainer and Thom Rainer explain why most church members need to grasp the Bible as a whole before they can understand its parts. The results could revolutionize your congregation.

Five Key Ways to Get Your Church Members Reading the Bible
Some groundbreaking studies on effective discipleship show that daily Bible reading might be the most important discipline for your church members. It affects their prayer life, their giving, and their evangelistic hearts. Kevin Ezell and Thom Rainer look at five ways to encourage Bible reading among your church members.

Family Discipleship Is More Than Family Devotions
What can we do to engage our kids in spiritually meaningful and vibrant ways? Here are five family discipleship rhythms to help.

3 Reasons Your Evangelism Efforts Have Stalled
Have your evangelism efforts stalled? Don’t let these three obstacles stand in your way. The fields are indeed ready for harvest.

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