
Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday's Catch: 'Anglican Diocese of the West Bishop Has Left the Church of Nigeria' And More

Plans by its primate to expand the Church of Nigeria in North America have led Bishop Felix Orji and Suffragan Bishop Scott Seely to seek residence and license in the Anglican Church in North America and the Anglican Diocese of the West to vote to withdraw from the Church of Nigeria and remain under the oversight and leadership of Bishop Orji.

The Crisis of "Followship"
There may not be a lack of leaders in local churches as much as there is a lack of followers.

5 Unfair Criticisms of Large Churches It’s Time To Drop
Here are 5 criticisms of large churches it’s finally time to drop.

Medieval England’s Daily Round
Lay Canon Nicholas Orme of Truro Cathedral is one of the most prolific historians of religion in England, with more than 30 extraordinary titles to his name. Now that he’s in retirement from a long teaching career at the University of Exeter, Canon Orme’s newest book, Going to Church in Medieval England, brings together a lifetime of work with a comprehensive account of medieval life in England’s nearly 10,000 parish churches.

Something Fake and Wicked This Way Comes
When our Halloween celebrations domesticate evil, we often miss a chance to see true darkness through the light of Christ.

The Art (and Science) of the First-Time Guest Follow-Up Phone Call
We’re gradually building a series on why and how to follow up with your church’s first-time guests.Today: the phone call. If you’ve determined you should make one, what’s the best way to do so?

25… + 5
James Emery White shares the leadership lessons he has learned.

Connecting College Students to the Church
As church leaders, it’s vital for us to pour into college students and help them see the importance of connecting to the body of Christ.

Don’t Let Missions Fall Prey to ‘Genericide’
By broadening the concept of “missional” activity, are we diluting our focus on the core of the Great Commission?

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