
Friday, October 07, 2022

Friday's Catch: 'New Churches in Old Buildings in Pennsylvania' And More

“I don’t think a church ever needs to be sold. I think you recast your nets to the other side and see how you can repurpose it.”

Michael Flynn's ReAwaken roadshow recruits 'Army of God'
The mixing of religion and politics in the United States is not a positive development and can harm the cause of the gospel and orthodox Christianity in our country.

Moral Middle Candidates Want to Save America (But They Keep Losing)
Christians concerned about division, disinformation, and democratic norms are straining to reestablish the political center.

Even Christians who are Democrats are abandoning the Social Gospel
Survey data show that church attendance, not party, is more likely to determine how Christians view the kingdom.

Two Dangers Facing Christians Under Cultural Pressure
There are two dangers Christians face when culture pushes against our beliefs. The first is to give in to the pressure to conform, and the second is to stand defiant in an ungodly way.

Why You Need to Know the Difference Between Hidden and Revealed
If you ever feel like God is a stranger, then this article is for you. God is hidden, but that’s only because he wants to be found in the right places. His identity is first fully revealed in his autobiography, the Scriptures. Then he shows up in the incarnation of his Son, the God-man, Jesus of Nazareth, to confirm what that story says about him. In the end, encountering Jesus means being found by the hidden God.

Should Hispanic Churches in the US Preserve Spanish in Their Services?
Worship flows in the language of your heart.

5 Reasons Why Kids Grow Up and Turn Away From the Faith
Why do kids turn away from the faith? What causes them to say, do and believe the exact opposite of what they embraced earlier? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but there are factors that it can be traced back to. Let's take a look at 5 of them.

Church Youth Groups: 6 Types of Small Groups for Student Ministry
How well do these categories fit your own use of small groups for teens? What else might work in your community?

Remember the History of Gospel Advance
Review: ‘Gospel Witness Through the Ages’ by David M. Gustafson

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