
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Thursday's Catch: '7 Things I Wish Christian Leaders Understood About Mental Illness' And More

7 Things I Wish Christian Leaders Understood About Mental Illness
The struggles with mental illness are deep and complex. Here are seven things Christian leaders need to understand about mental illness.

4 Myths Christians Should Stop Believing About Depression
There are so many myths about depression Christians should stop believing—for example, “True believers don’t suffer from depression.”

Suicide and the Church
James Emery White urges pastors, elders, and other church leaders to educate themselves and heir congregations about depression and suicide.

Study: Religion and Spirituality Can Aid Youth Mental Health Crisis
Religion and spirituality could help remedy the youth mental health crisis, Springtide Research finds.

Celebration in a Divided World
“Who do you choose to be for this time? Are you willing to use whatever power and influence you have to create islands of sanity that evoke and rely on our best human qualities to create, produce, and persevere?”

Christian Orthodoxy Is Your Ticket to a Land of Adventure
Playing in the fields of heresy and ambiguity might offer short-term kicks, but only sound doctrine can supply a lifetime of thrills.

5 Myths about How We Got the Bible
As with anything of historical importance, the Bible has accumulated its share of mythical distortions in the popular mind. Many of these swirl around its origins. Maybe this is because the Bible’s origins span such a long time or because our culture is primed to distrust authority. Whatever the cause, these are five myths found both inside and outside the church about the history of history’s most important book.

An Interview with Keith Getty: The Queen of England, a New Album, the Resurgence of Hymnody in the Church, and a Few Funny Thoughts (Part 1)
Part 1 of Thom Rainer and Mark Clifton’s interview with Keith Getty on a wide range of thoughts....

Grow Your Ministry by Growing Your Leaders
Mike Bullock describes how to grow a follower into a leader.

Building a Small Group Ministry is Like Building a House
Jeremy Sauve shares several important lessons he has learned about building a small group ministry.

Political Empathy Takes Work
Developing our theory of mind can help us understand the “other.”

Is Christian Republicanism the Best Cure for Christian Nationalism?
Opponents of Christian nationalism shouldn’t try to defeat the Christian right, but to foster its most republican impulses.

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