
Friday, November 11, 2022

Do We Confuse New Believers With These ‘Churchy’ Phrases?

By Chuck Lawless

I recently shared my testimony of the 12-year-old classmate who led me to the Lord in seventh grade. What I thought about most, though (and I’m not even sure why I did), was just how little I knew about Christianity and church at the time. Everything was new to me.

It seems almost silly now, but here are some things/words/phrases I did not understand when I first heard the gospel and followed Jesus. These thoughts remind me that still today, we’re trying to reach people who might know even less than I did at the time. We need to keep that reality in mind as we evangelize and disciple. Read More
Anglicans and Episcopalians have a longer list of terms and phrases which cause confusion to visitors and newcomers to their churches. To make matters worse, Anglicans and Episcopalians often do not agree among themselves what these terms and phrases mean. 

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