
Friday, November 25, 2022

Friday's Catch: "Many Religious 'Nones' Believe in God or a Higher Power, Study Finds" And More

Surveys of 'Nones" in the United States have found similar beliefs in this segment of the US population.

Catholic Woman in the United States
This groundbreaking study by Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, or CARA, confirms that more than 70% of young women in the United States were drifting away from the Catholic Church, a much higher rate than men.

African Christianity Thrived, Long Before White Men Arrived
Christianity was present in Africa 1000 years before the first European Colonialists arrived.

The Seed of Korean Christianity Grew in the Soil of Shamanism
An awareness of the spirit world was a crucial component in missionary efforts to spread the gospel.

4 Ways Churches Can Embrace Refugees
The annual ceiling for refugee admissions to America is likely to be raised. Are we ready to serve them?

In ‘Stealing My Religion,’ Liz Bucar takes on murky forms of appropriation
Bucar invites readers to 'interrogate the stance that we are entitled to take religious practices from others for our own needs.'

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