
Thursday, December 08, 2022

Thursday's Catch: 'Connecting Cross-Generationally to Reach the Community' And More

For too long in the North American church, we have focused too much on how missions get done and not enough effort on who is doing missions.

Invite Your Church to Treasure the Christmas Story
Every church will find creative ways to tell the Christmas story. But here are some important things to keep front and center.

Advent: Gearing Up for All Twelve Days
No, the Christmas Season does not start on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. It begins on Christmas Eve and lasts until Twelfth Night.

Five Reasons Why Denial in Churches Is So Common
In a recent consultation with a church, Thom Rainer encountered such entrenched denial that it was not possible for the church to move forward. Why is denial so common and so deadly in many churches today? Mark Clifton and Thom Rainer examine five reasons.

Do We Have a Clear Picture of Spiritual Gifts Today?
For a good part of the last half of the twentieth century, spiritual gifts were a topic of intense interest in churches. Now it seems as if that interest has faded. Thom Rainer and Sam Rainer examine why the emphasis faded and why it’s important for churches to “rediscover” spiritual gifts.

Three Reasons Small Group Christmas Parties Fail

Small Group Christmas Parties happen once a year. The annual Christmas party is the optimal time to create memories that bonds a group forever. We don’t want to waste the moment so it’s important that we avoid anything that makes it a failure. Below you’ll find a few things that cause a Small Group Christmas party to fail. Avoid them if at all possible.

The Most Impactful Tech Shift Your Church Can Make
To address the spiritual wellbeing of scattered members, almost every church provided some type of online video alternative at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. To address the financial wellbeing of the church, however, fewer added online giving. Those that did saw a significant impact.

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