
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Tuesday's Catch: 'How to Reach a Culture Not Interested in the Gospel" And More

How to Reach a Culture Not Interested in the Gospel
It’s time we face the music. That day we’ve heard about … it’s here. Our culture doesn’t care about Jesus. I know, it sounds irreverent—but it’s true. The prevailing posture of our nation is rapidly equalizing on this issue, especially in a post-COVID world. As we all know, the coronavirus has only accelerated changes that were already in motion. Even in places formerly known as “religious,” mindsets about Christianity and Christ are shifting at an unprecedented rate. Sure, the Wild West and the Chilly Northeast have an edge. Still, we all need to understand how to navigate the new normal.

3 Dangers Present When Pastors Espouse Anti-Therapy Rhetoric
It’s no secret that we are in the midst of a mental health crisis. According to research conducted by Barna across 25 countries, 40% of adults ages 18-35 struggle with anxiety, loneliness, and isolation. Many of these young people who are plagued by mental health concerns sit in our pews at church every weekend. Nevertheless, many Christians, including some influential pastors, are not only suspicious of mental health interventions such as medication and therapy, but actively campaign against them.

10 Folks to Remember at Christmas
As we look forward to Christmas this year, don’t forget that Christmas isn’t easy for some folks. Here are some to pray for (and even reach out to) this year. Your gift of love might make a difference.

12 Ways For Worship Leaders to Serve Your Pastor Well The relationship between the pastor and the worship leader (or organist, or choir director, or music minister, or all of the above) is notoriously tricky. Today, I want to offer a few lessons I’ve learned over the last decade on how to serve your pastor well and to make this tricky relationship a bit less … well … tricky.

The intriguing history of 'O Holy Night'
The story of “O Holy Night” is as dramatic as when the popular Christmas carol crescendos to the verse that rings out, “Fall on your knees! O hear the angel voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born!” Scandal, politics and ground-breaking moments power the history of the popular Christmas song. While sorting out fact from fiction may leave a narrative less spectacular than legend, the popularity of “O Holy Night” has never waned across the centuries.

How Can Pastors Help Their Congregations Read the Bible Better Next Year?
The church needs to establish a strategic pattern for giving people basic training in how to read the Bible better.

10 simple youth ministry hacks to grow your youth group numerically and spiritually!
Healthy things grow. It’s true of babies, plants and youth ministry. If you want a healthy youth ministry then you have to discover ways to get your youth group to grow, both with new believers and in spiritual maturity. Here are 10 simple youth ministry hacks to get your youth group to grow....

Four Reasons Your Wealth Is a Spiritual Liability
Jesus made a lot of striking statements during his ministry. And a great deal of them had to do with money. This makes us squeamish, but it’s reality: Jesus spoke about money more than heaven and hell. It’s not that he considered money more important than heaven. He simply knew that the way we treat our wealth is a massive barometer for the direction of our hearts. Compared to Jesus’ original hearers, most of us have a lot more money. So these striking statements are as relevant as ever.

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