
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thursday's Catch: 'Leading a Church Revitalization Even When You Don’t Feel Like You Are a Leader – Part 1' And More

Leading a Church Revitalization Even When You Don’t Feel Like You Are a Leader – Part 1: Why Some Revitalization Leaders Don’t Think They Are Leaders
It is almost cliche to say revitalization is tough. But it is a challenge. Thom Rainer and Mark Clifton speak with countless pastors and staff who don’t think they are up to the task. This three-part series may prove to be a blessing to those who are discouraged and wonder if they can lead the revitalization. In this first episode, Thom and Mark examine why some of these leaders have doubts.

Members who build the body
Healthy local churches make a powerful and attractive testimony to a watching world. This means that every member has to be devoted to building others up.

5 Simple Steps to Handle Conflict Like a Pro
The truth is that church conflict can be used as an opportunity for growth and progress. But getting there will take a shift in thinking, as well as embracing imperfections, discovering motivations, decoding conflicts, strategizing for success, and seeking deeper guidance.

3 Steps to a Better Understanding of Poverty
Poverty alleviation work is difficult. But with God’s help, we can tackle not only the symptoms of poverty, but also the root causes.

I Was Preaching to My Twitter Feed
The aim of preaching is the increase of love toward God and neighbor. That won’t happen if we focus on social media squabbles.

3 Reasons to Encourage Teenagers to Serve in the Church
Since being a pastor, Eric Geiger has never liked the idea of “youth-led Sunday”—of relegating teenagers to serving just once a year. Instead he want to see teenagers serving consistently. He explains why....

Children Being Raised in America Today Attend Church Far Less Frequently than Their Parents and Grandparents Did
Children being raised in America today attend church far less frequently than their parents and grandparents did, largely because their parents have stopped attending as adults.

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