
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: 'What Changes with a Move from a Church of 50 to a Church of 150' And More

All churches have leadership challenges, regardless of size. Small churches are not easier to lead than large churches. Large churches are not easier to grow than small churches. But they are different. When pastors move from one size of church to another, they have to adapt.

Don’t Settle for Change That’s Only Skin-Deep
Whether you’ve written you’re your goals or not, you probably have habits, sin-patterns, or weaknesses that you’d like to change in 2023 and beyond. Some of those changes may be purely external, but be careful this year that your change isn’t only skin deep.

Fifteen Ways Lead Pastors Can Drive Their Staff Nuts
Lead pastors can have two personas. The congregation knows one. The church staff knows the other. While the goal is to be the same person around everyone, it does not always occur.

What Expository Preaching Is and What It’s Not
To explain what expository preaching is, we need to understand what expository preaching is not. There are three myths that we need to dispel....

10 Ideas for Your Small Groups in the New Year
The start of a new year is the perfect time for groups to consider ideas they could pursue together. Here are 10 ideas to get started.

Is Your Discipleship Model Missing Something?
"I’ve been discipled along the way not merely through education and experience but also through the example of mature believers."

Churchgoers Value Time Alone With God, Practice Varies
Most churchgoers value regularly spending time alone with God, but this time looks different for each person.

Street Apologetics
Field-tested strategies for effectively sharing your faith with anyone, anywhere.

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