
Monday, February 20, 2023

Monday's Catch: "Seven Things We Didn’t See Coming in Churches at This Point after the Pandemic' And More

For our purposes, we look at post-pandemic as that time when churches started regathering in person. Some churches started a lot sooner than other churches, but most churches are back to in-person services today. As we look back over this regathering phase, we admit that several developments caught us by surprise. Some are good. Some are not.

Re-Thinking the Post-COVID Church: Beyond the Walls
What if the Church continued to engage people the way we did during the pandemic, bringing a more missional mindset to the world?

Asbury Professor: We’re Witnessing a ‘Surprising Work of God’
Why I’m hopeful about the revival breaking out in our chapel and its implications for the campus and beyond.

The Burning Question from Asbury Isn’t About Asbury
You’ve heard the news of spiritual awakening at Asbury University: an ordinary chapel turned into an ongoing service of praise and worship, confession of sin, and celebration of salvation, and has now garnered attention from all over the country and sparked similar stirrings of spiritual intensity in other colleges and universities.

Revival and Bad Theology
When revival hits, should we expect the participants to have all their theological ducks in a row and align with our particular shibboleth?

The 2 Characteristics of Revival
For many of us, I think revival is one of those fuzzy-around-the-edges blessings that we are quick to pray for and slow to understand. Sure, we pray for revival. Revival sounds great. But what exactly is it?

Nine Characteristics of the Great Old Testament Revivals
Recently, our congregation spent time in the Spirit-inspired prayer for revival known as Psalm 85. One of my study resources for this sermon was Revive Us Again: Biblical Principles for Revival Today by Walter Kaiser. In the Introduction to this volume, Kaiser points out nine characteristics of the revivals we find recorded in the Old Testament, which were originally listed by Wilbur Smith.

Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 11 Things I Learned
Does your church exhibit these trends?

Some Churches Should Die and Stay Dead
Sometimes churches die, and sometimes they should. As shocking as this may be, the death of a church might be the best thing that could happen for the sake of the gospel within a given community.

Tim Keller on the Decline and Renewal of the American Church
There is no more urgent question for American Christians than this: What’s wrong with the American church and how can its life and ministry be renewed?

How to Preach to Youth Effectively
Brandon Hilgemann has collected some tips that will hopefully prevent you from having to learn the hard way, as he did. This isn’t an exhaustive list but should help you immensely with your youth messages.

The Spiritual Power of Staying Put
Lasting fruit usually comes from lasting presence.

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