
Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'What We're Learning from Typical-Sized Growing Churches' And More

If the size of your typical for a church in the United States, you need to watch this rebroadcast of the webinar Tom Rainer and Sam Rainer conducted on Thursday. In the webinar they discuss three important findings that Church Answer's research has identified and which affect typical-sized churches.
Phil Cooke and others are advocating merging congregations and reducing the number of  services in churches with declining worship attendance. However, Church Answer's research does not support what they are advocating. 
Renewal Inside and Out
When Pastor Abram Crozier began leading Trinity Southern Baptist Church in January 2019, only about 20 people attended. But thanks to a new mission involving their community of Falmouth, Kentucky, not only has the church grown in size and faith, but the town itself has begun turning around.

Is Evangelism a Lost Cause?
According to Barna Research, “Nearly half of millennial practicing Christians say it is wrong to evangelize (47%).” But at the same time Christians still recognize that evangelism was central to Jesus’ mission: “Two out of three millennial practicing Christians believe being a witness about Jesus is part of their faith (65%).” The embrace of contradictory statements creates confusion about evangelism that results in churches developing a lackluster approach to reaching the lost.

3 Truths About Your Church to Remember This Valentine’s Day
Here are three important notes to keep in mind as you enter Valentine’s Day weekend with your church family.

Do You Have a Philosophy of Worship?
Does your congregation have a philosophy of worship? Mark Cole recently came across a very well-written philosophy of worship from ‘The Meeting Place’ church (TMP). If you are developing your own standards for your worship ministry, this is a good place to start.

Music’s content more important than source, leaders say
Catchy songs stay in your head as well as your heart. False teachings can join them. Church leaders observed this as long ago as the fourth century.

10 Surprising Reasons Our Kids Leave Church
There are 10 surprising reasons our kids are leaving Christianity. And we can do something about it now! We all know them, the kids who were raised in church. They were stars of the youth group. They maybe even sang in the praise band or led worship. And then they graduate from high school and they leave church. What happened?

The Best Fuel for Your Ministry Fire
Losing heart? Try winning souls.

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