
Monday, March 20, 2023

Monday's Catch: '3 Stereotypes of Christians (And How to Change Them)' And More

3 Stereotypes of Christians (And How to Change Them) 
Today’s non-Christian 20- and 30-somethings are big fans of Jesus but are less thrilled with His followers and the churches where they worship. Pastor/author Dan Kimball reveals their most common stereotypes of Christians and the Church, what they wish church was like—and why you should be listening to these emerging voices.

4 Powerful Reasons Why Revival Often Starts With Young People
Over the past month, we have watched as the fires of prayer and revival have swept across colleges and universities nationwide. Some of those, like Asbury, Lee, Samford, Cedarville, and Belmont are private Christian universities. LSU, Western Kentucky University, and Texas A&M are public institutions. This most recent outpouring is not selective.

What Jesus Sees (Even When Others Do Not)
Jesus saw who Peter would be. Or perhaps better, Jesus saw who he would make Peter to be.

What Jesus Saw When He Looked at Peter after the Rooster Crowed
While we can’t know with certainty how Jesus looked at Peter, I think we can make a reasonable deduction based on who Jesus is, how Peter responded, and how Jesus pursued him after his resurrection. I agree with Charles Spurgeon, who says, “I think it was a heart-piercing look and a heart-healing look all in one,— a look which revealed to Peter the blackness of his sin, and also the tenderness of his Master’s heart towards him.

5 Biggest Mistakes Pastors Make on Sundays (and How to Avoid Them)
Evaluate this list to find out how many you make. Charles Stone follows the list with some suggestions on how to avoid them.

Five Questions for Churches as Worship Gatherings Become Smaller
We at Church Answers are asking church leaders and church members five key questions regarding smaller worship gatherings. We are concerned that these smaller sizes are being used in some churches to accept decline or to become comfortable about not reaching the community. Here are our five questions....

Why We Need Worship Pastors, Not Worship Leaders
One of the greatest blessings a church can receive is when the person leading music is a worship pastor, not just a worship leader. Worship pastors increase the spiritual sensitivity of the weekend service, expand the church’s pastoral reach, and create a synergy between the music and teaching. While it is important for worship leaders to be competent, talented, and able to execute their portion of a weekend service with little difficulty, there is so much more that worship leaders bring to the table.

Is Every Christian Called to Go? 
Should every Christian be a missionary? Does the Great Commission call everyone to go to the nations? In this episode of Neighborhoods and Nations, Steven Morales is joined by David Platt to discuss the responsibility of every Christian in the Great Commission.

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