
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thursday's Catch: '6 Traits People Value in Online Faith Communities' And More

There are six traits that people value in online communities, writes Heidi A. Campbell.
This material is excerpted from “What Religious Groups Need to Consider When Trying to Do Church Online” in the free ebook The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online, Heidi A. Campbell, Editor.
Signs of a Jesus Movement in This Generation?
Generation Z is marked by an increasing number of “nones,” meaning people who claim no faith at all. Watchful Christian observers, then, take genuine hope in two recent notable events.

8 Hispanic Values Every Church Must Keep in Mind
The Hispanic population continues to grow in the U.S. What Hispanic values are shared by the community and how do those values impact evangelism?

8 Terrible Reasons To Leave a Church
Perhaps more than ever before, people are leaving (or changing) churches en masse. There are some good reasons to leave a church. What I’m seeing of late, though, doesn’t fit in the “good reason” category. The pandemic launched several more pandemics — fear pandemic, anger pandemic, political pandemic, racial pandemic, and a church pandemic. TThe recent climate has given way to a mass exodus from churches, mostly for terrible reasons. Here are a few....

What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
Maybe you think of communing with the Spirit as hearing whispered messages or getting overtaken by waves of warm fuzzies. There are certainly places in the Bible where the Spirit manifests himself in demonstrative ways. In the book of Romans, however, Paul’s focus is on how the Spirit assists us in our growth toward Christ-likeness. Here are a few things Paul identifies.

6 Ways Churches can Support Foster or Adoptive Families
While the world tells us, “look out for yourself,” God’s Word tells believers, “look out for one another.” This is true inside the church, but it is also true of those outside the church. Galatians 6:10 says, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

How to Choose a Curriculum? The Most Important Question No One Asks
The challenges we are facing at this moment in time are that the world has changed so rapidly over the past decade and cultural formation is having a significant impact on our kids. In this new post-Christian environment there’s a question almost no one is asking the publisher but should ask, and it’s this: Can you show me an impact study on the effectiveness of your curriculum?

The Doubling Group Movement – A Worthy Goal
We can reach our nation for God with an army of small group leaders like you who long to see a doubling group movement. We can reach our nation for Christ.

How to Overcome the Great Commission Gap
Somehow the church has come to see discipleship and evangelism as disconnected. Or, even more insidious, as rivals or enemies. Too many pastors devote themselves to the work of discipling church members and helping them grow up spiritually, but see no connection to mobilizing believers for the work of the Great Commission.

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