
Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'How Do Church Networks Cultivate Renewal? By Planting Churches' And More

It’s hard to read our Bible and miss God’s commitment and call to multiplication.

Becoming a Trauma-Informed Church
Learn how to become a church that recognizes and responds well to trauma.

6 Elements for Building Community
Pastors can implement the essentials of building community in the church in various ways, accounting for spiritual and cultural implications.

What Does 'Salvation" Mean?
The Bible reveals that God saves believers from their sin, the power of Satan, death, and the judgment to come. Taken together, these four aspects of the work of redemption help us understand the full-orbed biblical teaching about the salvation that God provides through the person and work of Christ.

The Door to the House: Proclamation and Response
This article is the fourth in a series called "A Good and Joyful Thing: A series on liturgical spirituality."
The United Methodist Book of Worship's basic pattern of worship is very similar to the ecumenical pattern of the Holy Eucharist found in more recent Anglican service books. The United Methodist Church, however, permits local congregations far greater flexibility in determining the order and content of their services of public worship than do most Anglican Churches.
Can We Pray to the Holy Spirit?
Greg Allison summarizes the arguments made on both sides of this issue and then explains his own view.

Implications of Online Education for the Future of the Church, Part 1
A growing number of seminaries are offering MDivs by distance learning.

The FAQs: Anglican Group Calls on Church of England’s Leader to Repent 
The Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) recently met in Kigali, Rwanda, for its fourth meeting. During the event, attendees crafted and released a statement called the “Kigali Commitment 2023.” The statement comments on eight separate topics, including the current crisis within the Anglican Communion, the failure of the current archbishop of Canterbury, and steps necessary for “resetting the Communion.”

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