
Friday, April 07, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'Stop Treating Easter Sunday Differently' And More

You are called and equipped to clearly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ—not just on Easter Sunday, but every Sunday.

Celebrating and Reaching Gen Z
Like every generation, they are often marked by negative stereotypes such as tech obsessed or anti-social and again like every generation there is so much more than what is perceived or talked about on the surface.

Half online, half in person: The state of Black churches now and possibly on Easter
As Easter approaches, leaders of Black denominations use cautious language even as they hope for a resurrection in the numbers of people who return to the pews.

Debunking 4 myths against Jesus' resurrection
Claudia Kalmikov investigates the biblical and historical claims about the resurrection and debunk four myths against it.

What Are Legalism and Antinomianism?
The terms legalism and antinomianism describe two false teachings regarding the relationship between the law and the gospel.

When Tragedy Strikes Again
How to help young people process the horrific school shooting in Nashville

Is It Worth It?
Here’s a question that’s important for us Christians to answer regularly: Is it worth fighting a battle that you’re not winning and may not win? Let’s imagine the different arcs of life where this question may apply.

Who’s the Evangelism Champion in Your Church?
Church and ministry leaders agree that evangelism needs to happen through the local church, because ultimately God has called all of his disciples to be his witnesses, and has called the church to be God’s redemptive agent in the world.However, in our work with churches through the Church Evangelism Initiative at the Billy Graham Center, we’ve found that there are often differing perspectives on who can best lead the cause of evangelism in the local church. Here are three candidates that often get put forward....

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