
Friday, April 21, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'A Theology (Not Ideology) of Creation Care' And More

In recognition of Earth Day on Saturday, April 22, the Church & Culture Team felt this blog, first published last year, was worth another read. Enjoy!

How Do You Help the Single Dads in Your Church?
When many people think “single parent” they automatically think of the single mom. While single moms do make up the majority of single parents, single dad households are on the rise.

Four Common (and Unhelpful) Responses to the Exclusivity of Christ The most offensive part of the gospel, and the most common objection to Christianity proper, is the idea that there is only one way to God: Jesus. It’s offensive because it seems arrogant, bigoted, and narrow-minded. The claim is often met with one of four common and unhelpful responses. They might sound legitimate, but they aren’t. Here’s why.

Is the Holy Spirit an “It”? 7 Proofs for the Spirit’s Personhood
Is it wrong to call the Holy Spirit an “it”? Contemporary English speakers use the words “it” and “he” in distinctly different ways. As a general rule, a person is a “who,” and a thing is an “it.”

Leading Your Church to Know God and Understand His Ways
As we live in the world, we are well-acquainted with the ways of the world. But how do we lead our churches to walk in God’s ways?

10 Ways NOT to Be an Effective Worship Leader
"If you’re wondering how to be an effective worship leader, I have a few thoughts on some things you could stop saying. So this is a post in which a crusty old curmudgeon rants a little about annoying song leader banter. Don’t take this too seriously, except maybe do."

Unpacking “You Do You”
This article is part of the Unpacking Culture series in which we examine a well-known axiom and weigh any true or positive aspects of it against any negative or misleading connotations of the phrase.

Is Gen Z More Likely to Attend Church Than Millennials? The Surprising Answer
Are the trends reversing? Could younger people return to church in greater numbers? Perhaps. It’s too early to tell, but one researcher gives a little hope.

GAFCON Rejects Archbishop Justin Welby’s Leadership
On April 21, primates representing a large majority of the Anglican Communion formally repudiated the historic leadership of the See of Canterbury.

How Long Will We Put Up with Mass Shootings?
On a single day this month, April 2023, there were seven mass shootings in the United States. So far this year, there have been more mass shootings than days. And if we keep going the way we’re going, nothing is going to change.

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