
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: 'Rejection: How if Affects Leaders' And More

Rejection: How if Affects Leaders
Disapproval and rejection can sting and wound. We’ve all felt it. What do we do when important people in our lives (or even those that we don’t deem important) reject us? How do we respond as did Jesus when he was rejected and scorned?

5 Reasons You Did Not and Cannot Reinvent Yourself
Human beings are social animals. A growing body of research—some parts surprising, some parts amusing—indicates the extent to which we are profoundly relational creatures and pushes against any notion that anyone is a self-made self.

3 Layers of Life-Changing Transformation
The power of the Gospel is transformative in nature. “Transformative: causing or able to cause an important and lasting change in someone or something.” With that being true, why is it so challenging to see the change we pray for and desire?

4 Important Questions That Can Lead to Strategic Change
This is a time for change, like none the church has seen for a few years. Could this Spring be an opportunity to realize ministry from now through the Summer in a more fruitful way? Could that lead to long term breakthroughs?

Voices: Does 1 Timothy 2:12-15 prohibit women from teaching or having authority over men?
Philip B. Payne explains why he no longer believes that 1 Timothy 2: 12-15 is a universal prohibition of women teaching or exercising authority over men.

Voices: Can women be pastors? What I discovered during 50 years of research.
This article is related to the preceding article and offers some insights into the meaning of several texts from the letters of the apostle Paul.

27 Questions Every Leader should Ask before Taking a New Job When a pastor (or any leader) considers a move to a new church setting or any leader considers a new job, he or she should do whatever is possible to define reality.

On the Porch: The Entrance
Wesley’s fantastic image of prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace as the porch, door, and room of a house serves well to illustrate the journey through the Word and Table liturgy. The first portion of the service, the Entrance, is the porch, and prevenient grace calls us there. What is it about a porch that might suggest what the Spirit may be up to as a congregation gathers?

How the teen mental health crisis is turning some youth pastors into first responders
Young people, youth pastors say, are pushing the church to be more willing to talk about mental health.

Benefits of Journaling: Teach This Spiritual Discipline to Children
The benefits of journaling — especially Bible journaling — are profound. Even children can benefit from this practice. Read on to discover how!

Small Group Evangelism & The Bridges of God
What are the bridges of God? How does the gospel spread from my small group to a lost and dying world?

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