
Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: 'How to Build a Church-Planting Culture at Your Church' And More

Ed Stetzer shares how from his own experiences he learned important lessons about what it means to plant churches in healthy ways, which is crucial for the sake of the mother and child church.

Develop Community Rather Than Just Collect Information
In a world interconnected through technology, personal relationships seem disconnected due to the inability to have one-on-one conversations with other people. Before a guest enters the church, the church should think of ways to connect with them beyond a one-time visit to a service. If the church is to grow, it must be willing to meet new converts to the faith in a way that provides community rather than just connection. Here are seven ways to engage visitors.

Preparing the Way for Great Sound
Great sound doesn’t start with your church’s sound system. It doesn’t even start with your sound tech or the people on the platform. It starts with intention and planning.

Studying the Bible is not Code Breaking
The Bible is not a secret code.

A Plea for Fewer Metaphors in Children’s Talks
Teaching by the means of an extended simile is not especially effective with under-nine-year-olds.

Please Don’t Weaponize Good-Faith Disagreement
One of the wearying aspects of church life these days is the constant weaponizing of disagreement.

Making Short-Term Mission Trips Count
Short-term mission trips have encountered criticism, but they have the potential to positively impact both the mission and the participant.

UMC bishops request 2026 General Conference as hundreds more churches disaffiliate
To date, at least 2,804 churches have left the United Methodist Church since 2019, according to United Methodist News Service.
When the number of disaffiliating churches is compared to the the number of churches in a small denomination as one YouTube video does, the number of disaffiliating churches may appear to be a fairly large group. However, the UMC is the second largest denomination in the United States and the number of disaffiliating churches represent only a small percentage of its churches.
192 North Carolina congregations leave United Methodist Church
The 192 congregations represent around 15% of the number of member churches for the conference. The spokesperson told CP that the regional body expects “a lesser number of churches” to seek disaffiliation in November.

‘Out of death comes resurrection’: Ohio church closed last year looking to reopen
A United Methodist Church congregation in Ohio that was closed down last year reportedly due to a decline in membership and attendance might be reopening as a new church in October.

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