
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: 'Four Ways to Shift Church Culture from Apathy to Expectation of Growth' And More

Four Ways to Shift Church Culture from Apathy to Expectation of Growth
The American church is at a crisis moment. Only 1% of churches have an ongoing evangelism emphasis. Apathy in the church is nothing new. The New Testament letters demonstrate how a lack of enthusiasm for God’s work goes back to the inception of the early church. Why is the American church apathetic today? fundamental problem stands out.

A Few Surprising Perspectives about Your Unchurched Neighbors
Many of your neighbors are unchurched. Several of them may not know Christ. Who are they, and what are their perceptions? Our research team asked this question and found several things you must know about the unchurched.

3 Reasons We Avoid Evangelism
When it comes to the gospel, we don’t need to dress it up to make it cool. We need to break it down to make it clear.

How to Start a Conversation About Jesus
A friend of mine likes to say, “The best gospel presentation is the one given.” That’s true. And convicting. Many good books, sermons, and seminars can help us prepare to share our faith. But none of these resources can do for us what we often find the hardest thing to do: just start the conversation.

Are Muslims Right About the Bible?
Most Muslims know very little about the Bible and its contents, yet typically they’re familiar from childhood with several lines of accusation against it.

Survey: The American Church Post-COVID-19
New findings from the American Worldview Inventory 2023 (AWVI 2023), the first national post-pandemic study of Americans’ worldview, have confirmed and now quantified what many have long suspected—that the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the very foundations of faith in the United States.

What Is Casual Dechurching and Is There Hope?
In this episode of As in Heaven, Jim Davis and Michael Graham welcome Patrick Miller to discuss the meaning of casual dechurching. They provide insights into why roughly three-quarters of those who have dechurched fit this category. You’ll learn how we can better engage this group of people and why there’s tremendous hope that many of them will return to church.

7 Tips for Connecting New Church Members
Do you have lots of new people and yet your church doesn’t grow? Do just as many people walk in the door as those that walk out the back door? Take a look at these seven tips and ask yourself where you rate in each area, 1 to 10.

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