
Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: "Getting Out of Bed Is an Act of Worship' nd More

Getting Out of Bed Is an Act of Worship
Especially when you face the mundane burdens of enduring suffering while living with mental affliction.

VOICES: Is a 'surge of faith' happening with younger Americans?
According to The Wall Street Journal, recent polling data shows a “Surprising surge of faith among young people.” As columnist Clare Ansberry wrote, “About one-third of 18-to-25-year-olds say they believe — more than doubt — the existence of a higher power, up from about one quarter in 2021, according to a recent survey of young adults.”

Shifting Your Church Out of Survival Mode and into Hopeful Optimism
Churches are simultaneously both fragile and resilient. They hang on by their fingernails, but those fingernails are surprisingly strong.

10 Big Things Jesus Said That We Keep Forgetting
Joe McKeever identifies a number of Jesus' statements which in particular seem to have been muted in recent years. See what you think.

The (Upper) Room Itself: Thanksgiving and Communion
This article is the fifth in a series called "A Good and Joyful Thing: A series on liturgical spirituality. To learn more about John Wesley's theology of the sacraments, read Ole E. Borgen's John Wesley on the Sacraments (Francis Asbury Press, 1972). The book is out of print but can be borrowed from Internet Archive. 

3 Reasons to Sing the Apostles’ Creed
Creeds refute error, but they do so by declaring the glories of the gospel story.

How to Pray
One of a pastor’s responsibilities is to teach the laity to pray, but most pastoral instruction on prayer is implicit, assuming the “do as I do” model of imitating the prayers offered on Sunday mornings.

Copyright Laws: 6 Myths on Showing Films at Church and Youth Events
Copyright laws apply to churches, and you need to be aware of the ins and outs of having a church movie license.

Young People, Church Membership Isn’t Optional
Whether you’re in college or out, reject the idea that committing to a local church is something only to be done when you’re older, more “established,” or in the life stage of having a family.

Tips for Leading a Short-Term Missions Trip are some basic tips for before, during, and after the trip.

Pray for Gospel Boldness
If ever a person lived who didn’t need this prayer, other than Jesus, it’s Paul, and yet we find him asking for this help because he believed he needed it. If Paul could ask for prayer like this, the rest of us can too.

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