
Friday, June 23, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'Small-Town Pastor, Look at Christ’s Heart' And More

If we hope to lead like Jesus, we must learn to love like him.

Praise for the 'bog standard' church leader: why average and unfashionable can be good for ministry
The bog standard vicar was celebrated in the 2010-2014 BBC TV series 'Rev', with Tom Hollander playing a very average Anglican vicar in an inner-city parish. He was portrayed as a man full of doubt and moral indecision, his prayer life apparently mostly taking place while on the toilet, his congregation very eclectic and very small.

Can churches spread the gospel of solar in coal country?
Nationally, churches install an outsized share of the solar market — houses of worship host a solar array at three times the rate of other non-residential buildings, according to a report by the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Across the country, nearly 2 percent of congregational buildings have installed a solar energy system. But in the region where coal has permeated identity for over a century, churches are slower to buy in.

A Complementarian Case for Women as Pastors
The evangelical world has been abuzz over whether or not it is biblical for a woman to be called a pastor. This came to a head once again at the recent annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Anaheim, California...It’s important that we spend some time looking at how the NT actually makes use of the noun “pastor” or “shepherd” and the verb “to pastor.” You may be surprised by what you see.

The Reformers Weren’t Innovators
To be Protestant is to be catholic. But not Roman.

An Election Is Coming. Are Pastors Ready?
As much as pastors shouldn’t avoid the election, they also shouldn’t be obsessed with it. The body of Christ needs pastors, not pundits.

6 Traits People Value in Online Faith Communities
Few people are asking the most important question: What do people need from churches right now? And how might digital technology be best used to meet those needs?

Like that new church worship song? Chances are, it will be gone soon.
A new study found that the lifespan of a hit worship song has declined dramatically in recent years.

For church worship teams, Auto-Tune covers a multitude of sins. Especially online.
The boom in livestreaming and the ubiquity of Auto-Tune and other technologies have led churches to up their game when it come to sound technology. But has it gone too far?

8 Important Steps To Take After VBS
Once VBS is over, there are some important steps you can take that will help you maximize the after effects of the event. Let’s look at 10 important steps you can take after VBS.
Dale Hudson lists only 8 steps in the article. His reference to 10 steps is a mistake that he did not correct.
Support for Same-Sex Relationships Stalls
Support for same-sex relationships in the U.S. has plateaued among some groups and even declined among others.

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