
Monday, June 05, 2023

Monday's Catch: 'Five Metaphors That Describe Why In-Person Attendance at Churches Will Grow in Importance' And More

... we are seeing an incipient movement push back against the “you-don’t-have-to-attend-church-to-be-obedient-to-God” crowd. We are seeing early signs that a number of people were awakened in the pandemic to the importance of in-person community, particularly in churches. That is why our churches need to be prepared and to be proactive for more people coming to our in-person worship services and our in-person small groups or Sunday school classes or whatever you call them.

In an Age of Self-Care, Prioritize the Church’s Mutual Care
Ordinary friendships that both give and receive care are the most meaningful part of our growth and change.

5 Dangerous Ways Churches Convince Themselves They’re Growing
The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. By making it clear what is really happening in your church with your leaders is the first step to making an impact in your community

VOICES: Is the 'order of creation' male authority Bible argument valid?
One of the mantras of complementarians is the “order of creation,” by which they mean that because man was created before woman, men should have authority over women. Is this biblical? Is it valid? Genesis 1–3 states nothing about an “order of creation” in the sense that what was created earlier has authority over what was created later.

Thomas Aquinas, the Evangelical?
To balance the evangelical romance with Thomas Aquinus, Leonardo De Chirico argues, something more needs to be said in view of refining a theologically robust evangelical reading of his thought.

4 Signs You Might Be in the Cage Stage
Like children who come into their own as adults, we shouldn’t allow pride to dishonor our (theological) parents just because we’ve moved on from them in some ways.

Don’t Be Taken in by the Tolerance Trick
In today’s relativistic, postmodern world, one word can stop an ambassador for Christ in his tracks: “tolerance.” No judgments allowed. No “forcing” personal opinions. All views are equally valid.

Is It Okay for a Christian to...
Ever googled “Is it okay for a Christian to…” and then filled in the blank with everything from watching Game of Thrones to cremation, attending a gay wedding to getting a tattoo, practicing yoga to drinking wine? You’re not alone. But don’t get the answer off the internet. There’s a better way.

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