
Thursday, June 01, 2023

Thursday's Catch: 'Study: Which Generation’s Faith Was Most Altered by the Pandemic?' And More

Study: Which Generation’s Faith Was Most Altered by the Pandemic?
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the lives of every American, though not in the same way or to the same degree—especially when comparing the nation’s adult generations. Newly released data from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University based on the American Worldview Inventory 2023 shows that the four adult generations in the United States—Millennials, Gen X (Baby Busters), Baby Boomers and Elders—had very different spiritual responses to the pandemic.

Going to Church: Championing the Beauty of the Local Church
A bright spot amid downward trends is that life in the local church can be a transformative example even to those outside it.

6 Effective Ways To Follow Up With First-Time Guests
There are a few things first-time guests expect when they visit your church. They expect to be greeted warmly; they expect to fill out a card with their contact information; and they expect someone from your church will follow up with them. Fail to meet any of these expectations, and they aren’t likely to return for a second visit.

Ways to Harness Your Feelings About Change
Any leader attempting change needs to understand the emotions of change. You cannot lead successfully if you do not understand every change has an emotion. Plus, if you don’t empathize with those emotions – and, I’m not trying to sound dramatic here – you are either being cruel or ignorant as a leader.

The Ordinary Means of Grace
What are the ordinary means of grace? They are the outward practices God has prescribed by which He promises His nourishing presence to His people when they participate by faith. Put more simply, the ordinary means of grace are God’s prescribed proclamations of the Gospel, and they include Word (preaching, teaching, and evangelism), water (baptism), and table (the Lord’s Supper).

Social Media Is Causing Our Children to Suffer
The U.S. surgeon general, Vivek Murthy, has issued a warning about the potential risks of social media on children’s mental health. Here’s why Christian parents should be concerned—and what we can do to protect our kids.

Church Technology and Church Mission: How to Use One to Help the Other
Technology has become a major part of our lives in the last decade. Smartphones, laptops, and tablets – are all a part of our daily routines. And while it’s not always easy to keep up with what is happening in the world, some benefits come from church technology. Churches have been adapting to this new way of life and taking advantage of the many tools technology provides for ministry purposes.

Expect God to Work in the Lives of People Around You
As children of God, our presence in the lives of others should be anything but neutral, even if for the sole reason that we live by and speak the Word of God. It is wise for the believer to not only pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is doing in their own lives, but they should also pay attention to what the Lord is doing in the lives of people they encounter.

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