
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: 'Who Will Be the Missionaries to Western Culture?' And More

Who Will Be the Missionaries to Western Culture?
Western culture present a great challenge to the global church and that challenge calls for a missionary response.

Fresh Expressions, yes! But…
Michael Adam Beck lists sixteen common questions and a brief response to each, procured from over a decade of leading fresh expressions trainings.

We’re Called to Make Disciples, not Simply Converts
Jesus gave a mandate to the church of all ages not simply to evangelize but to make disciples.

The Top Ten Next Steps for New Church Members
Congratulations! You joined a church. Now what? While every church has a different procedure for church membership, there are some simple things you can do to honor God in your decision. These items apply to everyone.
Sam Rainer has put together a helpful list for new church members but he does neglect to mention one thing. Going to church is not the same as becoming a disciple of Jesus. Neither is joining a church. Doing what Rainer urges new church members to do is certainly a part of a life of discipleship as is going to church and joining a church. A disciple of Jesus also patterns their life on the teaching and example of Jesus and with the help of God's grace follows Jesus' teaching and example in every area of their life.
Should You Even Bother Worrying About Church Growth?
...we are only one generation away from complete extinction. With that in mind, we all need to worry about church growth.

Soft Complementarians: Holding to Headship and the Gifting of Women
The place of women serving, leading, and teaching in the Church is frequently a topic of discussion, seemingly heightened in 2023 as Christian denominations such as Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) and the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) have made national news over their discussions and decisions regarding the role of women in a local church. The CMA has adopted a “soft complementarian” position where women can be given the title of “pastor,” and the SBC has voted to disfellowship two churches for women serving in pastoral roles.
This article and the next article offer different perspectives of women as pastors.
"Pastor" is derived from the Latin noun pastor which means "shepherd" and is derived from the verb pascere – "to lead to pasture, set to grazing, cause to eat." Both in ancient and medieval times and even today in some parts of the world, both men and women tend flocks of sheep. It is not exclusively a male profession. Lesbia Scott's hymn, I Sing a Song of the Saints of God," contains a reference to "the shepherdess on the green."
A Southern Baptist pastor's wife responds to the 'women pastor' issue
“Don’t ever think you’re going to use those gifts of a pastor in the Southern Baptist Convention.”

Appeal for Religious Liberty to a Culture Embracing Pride Month
Most of our countrymen don’t understand us. They view our opposition to the revolution in human sexuality as a conservatism they can defeat through enough activism and pressure.

It's Too Darn Hot!
What can your church do to help relieve summer heat for vulnerable people?

Churches Can Help Beat the Heat
Saving lives from extreme heat: Lessons from the deadly 2021 Pacific Northwest heat wave.

Well-being of pastors drops significantly, especially in having true friends: study
In key measures of well-being such as physical, mental, emotional, and overall health, pastors have suffered significant declines over the last seven years, especially when it comes to having true friends a new report from Barna Research shows.

Pastors Who Lack Close Friends: 5 Reasons Why
Barna Research discovered that 61% of pastors are lonely and have few close friends. The loneliest people in churches are often pastors. Why is this so?

Don't Fall Into Ditches When It Comes to Preaching
Darryle Dash sees the danger of falling into one of two ditches when it comes to preaching. He believes that we e do well to avoid both.

You Missed a Spot: The Big Hole in Some Churches’ Outreach Strategies
...a lot of churches have missed a spot when it comes to reaching their communities. They’ve missed out on college students.

8 Outreach Ideas for This Fourth of July
Consider how these drive-by projects and Fourth of July events can help your church foster connections with unchurched people.

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