
Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday's Catch: ''7 Signs Your Church Will Never Change' And More

7 Signs Your Church Will Never Change
Here are 7 signs your church is never going to change.

13 Signs Your Church Is Dying
Here are 13 signs of a dying church every church leader should look out for – in their churches and in their hearts.

Americans placing more emphasis on hobbies, money and community, less on religion: study
As the value Americans place on religion has declined over the last two decades, an increasing share of society now ranks community activities, hobbies or recreational activities, money, friends and health as extremely or very important priorities in their lives, while family maintained its rank as the highest priority of all, the results of a new Gallup survey show.

9 Better Ways To Say Welcome to Church
You might be shocked to see how much time at Watermarke Church we spend evaluating our welcome to church segment. It is only a three-minute segment of our 60-minute service, but like every facet of our service, we want it to be excellent, intentional and strategic.

VOICES: The subordinationist heresy? Christ is eternally subordinate to Father God One of the clearest expressions of the idea that God the Son is eternally subordinate to God the Father comes from Wayne Grudem. He writes that the subordination of a wife to her husband reflects the “eternal … subordination in role, but not in essence or being [of the Son to the Father]… Scripture speaks of that … [in Hebrews 1:3]. Jesus is at the right hand, but God the Father is still on the throne” (Recovering Biblical Manhood 457).
The Lifeway-Ligonier Ministries State of Theology research study indentified this heretical belief as a common belief among many American Christians.
‘Vamos à igreja’: United Methodist worship music in Angola
Church services in Africa often last several hours, and are full of joyful music. During an April reporting trip to Angola, videographer Joey Butler and photographer Mike DuBose were able to capture music during worship at two United Methodist churches. A few of the songs might be familiar to U.S. audiences.

8 Tips On Taking Your Sunday Morning Worship To The Next Level
Here are a few things that Mark Cole learned in leading God'speople i worship for over thirty year.

9 Keys To Memorizing Music for Worship.
"Lately, I have been reminded about the importance of memorizing the music when I lead worship," writes Mark Cole. "I have found that memorization brings my leading of the congregation and worship of God to a whole new level."

The Total Package: Church is More than a Sermon
The church experience is much bigger than a sermon. 
This is something that we need to relearn or learn for the first time: Sunday worship is more than a praise band performing a worship set and a celebrity preacher delivering a sermon. 
Identifying your blind spots can help your personal growth, deepen your relationships, and contribute to healthy, fruitful behaviours and beliefs.

What Do Mormons Believe About God? Mormons believe about God? Here are two pillars of their doctrine of God: (1) God the Father is an exalted man and (2) each person of the Godhead is a distinct and separate god.

Some critics see Trump’s behavior as un-Christian. His conservative Christian backers see a hero
Certain achievements during Trump’s presidency – notably appointments that shifted the Supreme Court to the right – have solidified that support. 
When devotion to a political figure replaces devotion to Jesus in the heart of a self-identified Christian, it raises questions about the genuineness of their devotion to Jesus in the first place. As Jesus pointed to his disciples' attention. A servant can serve only one master.

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