
Saturday, July 29, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Congregation to leave ACNA, seeks new affiliation with Episcopal Diocese of Texas' And More

It is too early to say whether the departure of this church from the ACNA and its migration to TEC is the beginning of a disaffiliation trend in the ACNA.
Also see: Austin ACNA parish joins the Episcopal Church and Second Anglican Parish Heads for Episcopal Church.
As churches shrink and pastors retire, creative workarounds are redefining ministry
As older clergy get set to retire, there are few younger seminarians to replace them — and few churches that can afford to pay them.

What’s lost when religion becomes a ‘luxury good’
The church has failed when only the prosperous feel welcome.

Why Pastoral Competition Is Decreasing
“What are you running?” was once an ever-present question among pastors. That is not the case nearly as much today. Thom explains why.

4 Ways To Empower Young Leaders
The greatest satisfaction of most teachers is when others take what they have been taught and inculcate it into their lives. That’s what it means to relinquish leadership.

How to Lead with Influence and Impact
One of the often-overlooked characteristics of effective leaders is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to how well you manage your own emotions and responses and react to those of others.

Evidence of the Holy Spirit at Work through Your Leadership
There are two great dangers in the life of a church leader. Leading from your own power and assuming it’s all up to God’s power. One leader tends to over-do and under pray. The other tends to over-think and under-do. We all have a natural bent or bias toward one side or the other. For some the emphasis is slight for others it’s significant. The farther toward an extreme the greater the danger. The great caution is that they are both exhausting and can be very stressful.

Family Night Ideas for Children’s Ministry and Community Outreach
Family night ideas are a hit for community outreach and congregational fun. Invite parents and children from the church and surrounding neighborhoods. Then gather for fellowship, games, snacks, and lots of laughter!

Re-Thinking Evangelism
A reality which we all must is face is that the way things are is not how we hope they'll be.

Judge orders Oklahoma to redo special session
A district court judge has ordered the Oklahoma Conference to re-create its April 22 special session to vote on the withdrawal of a church that filed suit. The order essentially requires the United Methodist regional body to hold what would be an illegal meeting under church law, the conference said.

The Church of England's image crisis
The image problems of the Church of England in secular Great Britain do not portend well for churches and denominations in the increasingly secular United States and Canada.

Most family breakdowns aren’t due to couples divorcing: study
Most family breakdowns aren't happening because marriages are falling apart, a new study from the Marriage Foundation shows. The trouble, according to the data, is among the unmarried.

Image Credit: Resurrection South Austin (via Facebook)

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