
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Keys to Reaching the Unchurched' And More

Outreach Magazine conducted a study of formerly unchurched Americans. What made them come to a church? What made them stay? The answers to these questions gave us insight into the mind of an unchurched person and gave us guidance in reaching the unchurched more effectively.

5 Cultural Shifts We Must Understand to Reach Our Neighbors
The cultural shifts identified in this article are not world-wide but they are evident in Western countries and in placese where Wstern culture is influentual.

C. S. Lewis’s Argument from Reason: The Promise of Natural Theology
"I am intellectually indebted to a brilliant Christian thinker from the twentieth century who taught me how to defend the Christian faith, " writes Samuel G. Parkison. "He taught me how to prove the supernaturalism of Christianity by proving—you might say—the impossibility of the contrary. That is to say, he taught me not only that supernaturalism is a credible belief, but also that its denial is downright incredible, since naturalism (supernaturalism’s alternative) cannot attempt to prove anything without contradicting itself."

How Were the Books of the Bible “Chosen”?
The earliest Christians did not view themselves as choosing books, nor did they view themselves as having the right/power to do such a thing. Instead, they viewed themselves as receiving the books that had been handed down to them by the apostles. It would not have dawned on them that they could just pick whatever books they happened to prefer.

Technology isn’t inherently bad but the way we use it can lead to harm, author warns
"The growing complexity and pervasiveness of digital devices and social media is diminishing our capacity to relate authentically to others and to God," author and cultural sociologist Felicia Wu Song wared in a recent podcast. .“Research is showing (that technology) is creating an inability to actually attend to people and a lower level of empathy with people when we’re actually talking to them.”

Watching What We Wear
There are many complicated and confusing theological issues in the Christian life—issues that require deep intellectual research and sophisticated analysis, issues that call for multidisciplinary scholarship and expertise, issues that cannot be meaningfully addressed in an opinion column of several hundred words. Thankfully, modesty is not one of those issues.

Why we do not evangelise
In this article Chopo C Mwanza suggest five reasons why we do not evangelise.

Have We Misunderstood Paul on Homosexuality?
In this article Wes Bredenhof takes a look at a chapter in Michael Wittmer's book, Urban Legends of Theology: 40 Misconceptions.

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