
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe' : 'Why ‘Collective Might’ Is the Future of the Church' And More

I am home recuperating from the surgery. I thank everyone for their prayers and ask that you continue to keep me in your prayers. 

Why ‘Collective Might’ Is the Future of the Church
...collective might is absolutely central to the mission of the Church today. God actually designed us to collaborate. In a time when leaders are tired, weary of division, and unable to scale the ways they want to serve, leveraging the power of collective might—with each of us playing our unique part—is the best way forward. And collective might doesn’t just apply to large-scale ecosystems like the Church, but rather, it can be released at every level—from cities and associations to any given church and its members.

Where It All Begins — Shifts to Make Before Church Growth
It is with a strong sense that God is calling us back to the primary purpose of the church that the Exponential “big idea” for 2024 will be “One Eighty: The Return to Disciple Making.” In order for churches to return to biblical disciple making, we will need to pivot and make the following 180-degree turns.

10 Tips on Getting to Know Your Community
Here are ten ways to “read” your community....
If a church is going to reach and engage the unchurched, lightly churched, and dechurched population of the community in which it is located, its leaders need to carefully exegete the community, its demographics, its psychographics, its culture, and its subcultures. Church leaders who neglect this critical task can expect their church to be ineffective in reaching and engaging these population groups. As their church's existing base shrinks, the church's congregation will shrink with it and eventually the church will either have to merge with another church or disband.
The Power of Spoken Word in Shaping Congregational Culture
Words hold immense power to shape your reality and influence those around you. When it comes to your congregation, the way you communicate can make or break the culture you create. You can unleash the power of words to create a remarkable and thriving environment.

J.D. Greear calls on Southern Baptists to slow down on constitutional amendment
A recent president of the Southern Baptist Convention published a 3,500-word explanation of why he believes the so-called “Law Amendment” is unwise, even though he personally agrees with the theology behind it.

That amendment, proposed by Virginia pastor Mike Law, would declare any church with a woman serving in any role with the title “pastor” or allowing women to preach out of “friendly cooperation” with the SBC and therefore expelled. A first reading of the amendment passed at this year’s annual meeting in June. To be adopted, the amendment must pass a second vote next summer.

VOICES: Is the ‘slippery slope’ argument against ordaining women valid?
One argument that patriarchal Christians commonly use against women’s ordination is the “slippery slope”: the ordination of women will lead to the ordination of people in same-sex unions.

6 Qualities to Cultivate for Ministry Leadership
Many young people are surrendering to the call to ministry leadership. What is the first step in discipling them?

7 Deadly Sins of Small Group Ministry
"I believe there are at least seven deadly sins of small group ministry," writes Mark Howell. "I also believe they are forgivable, but there is a consequence. In this case the consequences almost always affect unconnected people, group leaders and group members."

How To Guarantee You WON’T Grow Spiritually
How does a person grow? Specifically, for followers of Jesus, how does a person grow spiritually?

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