
Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: '7 Aspects of Increasing Your Reach' And More

7 Aspects of Increasing Your Reach
With the best visions, however, if you want to have a culture susceptible and open to growth then there are some common paradigms necessary for church growth. You have to think certain ways in order to reach a desired vision. In most every situation, an absence of certain actions or mindsets on the part of leaders keeps the church from moving forward.

5 Ways Your Church Can Support People Impacted by Grief
Churches can play a vital role in supporting those experiencing grief. Here are 5 research-based ways to do so.

Betting on Belief
400 years ago, philosopher Blaise Pascal was one of the first to grapple with the role of faith in an age of science and reason.
Puddleglum the Marsh-Wiggle voices sentiments akin to Paschal's Wager--"although one cannot know for certain whether or not God exists, we are better off believing in God’s existence than not"--in C. S. Lewis' The Silver Chair.
Best Auto Tracking Cameras for Church
Today, as the demand for video streaming exponentially grows, auto tracking cameras are definitely changing the game.

July Fourth Gatherings and the Gospel
July Fourth is a great opportunity for the church to get outside its own walls and engage the communities we live in.

UCC elects first woman — and first woman of African descent — to lead denomination
That Thompson is the first woman to lead the denomination may be surprising given the denomination’s progressive stances on women’s rights and many other issues.

Church of England proposal seeks to rent out poorly attended churches, wait for "future growth'
To combat dwindling congregations and a significant drop in regular worship attendance, the Church of England has proposed a plan to rent out underused parish churches instead of selling them, giving them time to "lie fallow" with the potential for future reopening. The proposal comes in response to the current practice of merging poorly attended churches with larger parishes and selling off the vacated buildings.

Most Americans oppose LGBT advocacy in corporate America and academia: poll
Amid the latest pride month observance, multiple recent polls indicate that Americans have grown weary of the constant LGBT advocacy in corporate America and academia.

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