
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wedesday's Catch: 'The Great Commission and 3 Types of Churches' And More

There are three types of churches when it comes to the Great Commission. Which one are you? After Jesus walked out of the tomb alive and just before He ascended to heaven, Jesus gave His disciples authority to join His mission of reconciling people to God, people of all nations. Jesus commissioned His disciples, sending them out to make disciples. His words have been called the Great Commission....
From what I have read as well as from my own personal observations, evangelism and discipleship are two of the greatest weaknesses of North American churches.
Churchgoers Less Familiar Than Pastors With Deconstruction, More Likely to See It in Their Pews
More than 1 in 3 churchgoers who have heard of deconstruction have seen it play out among church attendees in their congregations.
North American churches are seeing deconstruction on a scale far greater today than at any time in the past. What is more is a growing number of social media influencers are promoting deconstruction.
Arranged In The Body With Purpose
Each member of a particular manifestation of the Body of Christ is God's gift to a particular community of true believers under the Lordship of Jesus Christ in that particular locality. They were placed in that particular church body for a particular purpose.

Why Pastoring Is Harder Today Than in the Past
Pastoring a church has always been difficult. According to Chuck Laweless, it is far more difficult today than it was when he first became a pastor 35 years ago. He explains why.

How to Handle Chronic Critics in Your Church
Every church has ‘em. The Chronic Critic – the person(s) who simply can’t be pleased. No matter what you do, they have something negative to say. You are not alone when you face chronic critics. Nehemiah, perhaps one of the greatest leaders of all times, was on a mission from God. Yet he faced chronic critics. They could have derailed his God-given mission. They didn’t. And here’s what he did.

You Don’t Know When Your Last Sermon Will Be
Every pastor will preach his last sermon—but unlike Jesus, most of them won’t know it.

Intergenerational Friendships In Church
All God's people have a role in in teaching younger generations about God and what he has done. Interaction between the generation and intergenerational friendshipsis critical to this role.

2 Questions the Next Generations Are Asking (and How the Church Can Answer Them)
Sharing truth in a context of trust and respect yields greater influence as we seek to answer the cultural questions kids are asking.

Is there 'bias' among Evangelicals when it comes to fundraising ads? 
Are Evangelicals more likely to view advertisements for charities supporting struggling children favorably if the child depicted in the advertisement is the same race they are? That is among the questions that a new 22-page study explores. The study "Race and Gender in Fundraising" by Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research seeks to "explore potential bias" among Evangelicals regarding their perception of fundraising advertisements.

In new book, Russell Moore urges evangelicals to stop lying and come back to Jesus
Once a rising star among Southern Baptists, Moore lost his job after criticizing Donald Trump and standing by abuse survivors.
Also see: Russell Moore is preaching to the choir with an ‘altar call for evangelical America’

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