
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: 'Eight Ways Any Church Can Get the Attention of the Neighborhood' And More

Eight Ways Any Church Can Get the Attention of the Neighborhood
God’s mission travels in one vehicle: the church. In the same way that different kinds of vehicles travel our roadways, many different churches share the good news message. No congregation has a corner on the Kingdom, and every Bible-believing church has the potential to be an asset in the Kingdom of God.

Campus ministry partners convert Florida Episcopal congregation’s office building into student housing
As church attendance declines and congregations shrink, a growing number of churches, Episcopal and non-Episcopal, are exploring new ways to utilize their facilities. They are discovering that they have more space than they need and are looking for good ways to put it to use.

Given opportunity to affirm women in ministry, BGCT punts
The Baptist General Convention of Texas — once considered a supporter of women in ministry — declined to give full blessing to the idea when presented the opportunity at its annual meeting July 18. Motions affirming women in ministry and calling for greater resourcing got watered down or withdrawn after initially being ruled of out of order.
This development may reflect what researchers have identified as an increased trend toward social conservatism.
7 Ways we can Stretch Ourselves as Leaders
How can a leader keep up with the pace of change? What can you do to grow?

5 Reasons Leaders Stumble and Fall
When we are aware of what causes us to stumble and eventually fall, we can be watchful, accountable, and make better decisions.

Critics: Stay Away or Draw Close to Them?
Criticism hurts, especially the non-constructive kind. We tend to stay away from such critics. But is that the wisest choice? Should we draw close to them instead of pulling away from them?

Stop Calling Them Names
"The trouble is our social-media-dominated outrage culture rewards quick indignation and careless accusations, " writes Sam Emadi. "And, I fear, this habit of name-calling and slander too easily slips into the church and characterizes our conversations."

5 Foundations of Right Theology
Many Christians misunderstand basic theology. What starting points can pastors give their people when it comes to properly “doing” theology?

Steadfast Confidence of a Christian
What are the marks of this kind of confidence? Surely they are not the marks of bravado and self-assurance that mark the so-called confident people of the world, for Christian confidence and security is entirely different. And yet that kind of internal security, brought to us not in and of ourselves and our abilities, but brought to us through faith in Christ and His work, does have signs. Markers. Evidence that we are actually secure in what we believe.

Help! I Want to Make Friends at Church
Whether you’re new to your church or have been there for years, getting to know brothers and sisters in Christ can be challenging. Perhaps it’s the hustle and bustle of Sunday, your inability to attend a small group or Bible study, or perceived incompatibility—whatever the reason, making friends at church often takes work.

How to Love an Immortal
I must admit that the title of this article intrigued me.

4 Ways Churches Can Approach Giving to Global Missions
How does your church support global missions?

A Tale of Two Stories: Mormonism vs. Christianity
Mormons use similar words. But they define these words differently.

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