
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: '5 Cultural Trends Driving the Growth of Microchurches' And More

Microchurches are the primary form of church in the New Testament and in most movements around the world. However, they have often struggled to be recognized as such in the Western world... Given what we see in the early church, it’s clear that “microchurch” is simply a new name for an old idea. It is a form that has existed throughout time in different movements, such as the Moravian Revival and other non-Western church-planting movements that have brought the gospel into new places.
The clericism and sacerdotalism that have become institutionalized in the Anglican and Episcopal Churches will be a significant obstacle to the development of microchurche in these church traditions.
Is your town a good place to grow old?
It's true that generally people are living longer and in better health than in generations before, but there are increasing challenges for older men and women in our communities.

Going to Church Leads to Increased Theological Understanding
The State of Theology offers a compelling case for the value of church attendance in helping people grow in their knowledge of God.
This observation is partly valid. Its validity depends upon whether sound Biblical theology is preached from the pulpit and taught in the Sunday school classroom. Regular attendees of a church may acqire more knowledge of God but will this knowldge lead to the transformation of their lives? While regular church attedance increases the likelihood that church attendees may experience life transformation, it does not guarantee it. Other factors must be considered.
10 Things that Surprise Rookie Pastors
Pastors, what most surprised you in your early years of ministry?

Serve in Children’s Ministry. It’s Bigger Than You Think.
Children’s ministry is, at its core, a ministry of hospitality.

20 Great Digital Pastoral Tools
In a world full of smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops, we have the opportunity to utilize many pastoral tools for the glory of God. In fact, there are so many great pastoral tools that it may seem a little overwhelming....

6 Ways to Improve Communication via Digital Signage
Clear messages are more important than ever. Digital signage can greatly improve your communication and help your congregation to navigate in your church. You can communicate safety expectations, guidelines, information on where things are, what’s new, what has changed.

6 Elements of a Good Icebreaker Question
If you use an icebreaker question that does these six things, your question will pave the way for a good discussion around God’s Word.

Jesus, Jason Aldean and small-town Christianity
In this article Shannon Makujina, an 18-year-old blogger in upstate South Carolina, draws our attention to what is a disturbing trend in a number of churches: politics has replaced Jesus, his message, and his teaching in the hearts of members and attendees of these churches.

White Christians think too many people see racism when it’s not there, new survey finds
A new survey from Pew Research revealed once again how deeply divided religious Americans are when it comes to matters of race.
I have lived in the South for more than six decades of my life. While racial attitudes have changed during that time, the racism that once characterized many parts of the South has not disappeared entirely. It is more pronounced in some population segments than others. I cannot speak about other regions of the United States.
Over Half of Protestants Say They Have Interacted With Dead Relatives: Report 
A new study published by Pew Research has found that moderately religious Americans, including Christians, are among the likeliest to attempt to communicate with dead relatives.
Americans have long had a fascination with mediums, seances, and spiritualism. The Bible, however, clearly prohibits communication with the dead, a practice of various ancient peoples who sought advice and guidance from the dead. King Saul defied this prohibition and sought to consult with the spirit of the dead prophet Samuel with the help of the witch of Endor who practiced necromancy. In doing so, he only added to the sins that cost him the throne of Israel.  

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