
Friday, December 22, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'America may not be as much ‘post-Christian’ as post-white Christian' And More

Many American societies are beginning to be understood as “post-Christian.” Churches are hemorrhaging masses of disillusioned congregants as Christian cultural norms are losing their grip on public discourse. Even so, there has been a new Christian movement unsuspectingly burgeoning on the margins of this Western world: the diasporic immigrant church.

The story of songs in Luke's Nativity - and their influence on Christian worship
A set of five short songs in the Gospel of Luke are known as the Christmas Canticles, and have contributed greatly to Christian worship over the centuries. This is the story....

Outreach Tips: Intentional Ways to Befriend New Families
Every outreach effort you undertake can be effective if you approach it from a practical perspective. Consider these outreach tips!

52 Church Small Group Ideas To Encourage Fellowship
The following is a list of 52 church small group ideas that create fellowship. This list is not exhaustive. There are some great activities that are not on it. Some of these activities will fit your group; others will not. These church small group ideas are meant to serve as an idea starter, so you can come up with your own activities and plans for implementing them. The key is to do it together.

Christmas Is for Doubters
Believe it or not, Christmas is for doubters. Read the Christmas narratives in Luke 1–2 and you’ll see they’re filled with people who doubt.

Spiritual Growth: Monergistic or Synergistic? 
ARE YOU READY for a couple of big words? They are monergistic and synergistic. You are probably familiar with synergistic. It describes the action of two agents working together to produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual effects.

7 reasons most churches aren’t reaching the lost in their own backyards
After countless conversations with church leaders and first hand observations of innumerable Sunday morning services Greg Stier is convinced there are 7 reasons why most churches are not effectively reaching the lost with the Gospel in their own communities.

‘What the hell is wrong with these people?’: An Advent message on Christian white nationalism and the end of America
Tim Alberta and his wife are far from the only ones wondering what in the world is going on with a substantial segment of American Christians and a huge segment of Republican voters.

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