
Friday, December 15, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'Beyond the Decorations: Christmas Reveals the Person and Character of God' Ad More

The Christmas story teaches us that God understands our own stories. During this season, we celebrate the coming of our Savior and King. The biblical story unfolds the need for a Savior and the promise of his coming. Prophets foretold his birth for centuries. After years of waiting, Jesus Christ the Messiah—Immanuel—came into the world. God became flesh, incarnate, for us.

Jesus Wasn't Born in a Stable...
The Christmas story is so familiar to many of us. Most of us who have grown up around the church will have heard it most years. We all know the nativity scenes, the children’s plays around Christmas and the various advent calendars telling us the story. Little captures the imagination more than the belief that Jesus was born in a stable.

A Home for the Holidays: Refugees and the Christmas Story
With Christmas right around the corner, it is the best time of the year for churches to cultivate meaningful relationships with vulnerable families in their communities. By doing so, we can empower them to build their lives not just for a generation but for an eternity.

Christmas resource for churches highlights lived experience of refugees
Churches are being asked to play a five-minute video that highlights the "significant" link between the original Christmas story of the birth of Jesus, and the lived experience of millions of refugees in the world today.

Telling the Story that Changed the World
Let this Christmas season be one of telling the story of our Savior as we equip our people to tell others the reason for this season.

Two C of E Bishops: Same-Sex Liturgies ‘Illegal’ Two evangelical Church of England bishops have advised their clergy not to use the Prayers of Love and Faith recently commended by the House of Bishops for blessing same-sex unions. Bishops Paul Williams of Southwell and Nottingham and Rob Munro of Ebbsfleet wrote in December 12 ad clerum letters that they believe the liturgies violate the church’s canons, leaving clergy who use them vulnerable to legal challenges.

VOICES: The silencing of Christian believers is chilling but true
Sir Winston Churchill, the “old British Bulldog,” once famously quipped, “Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without it being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.” It’s been more than six decades since the late prime minister’s observation, but the inconsistency he identified in his country is as present today as it was back then.

One fourth of United Methodist churches in US have left in schism over LGBTQ ban. What happens now?
The vast majority are conservative-leaning churches responding to what they see as the United Methodists' failure to enforce bans on same-sex marriage and the ordaining of openly LGBTQ persons.

Republican supporters of Donald Trump share this trait, Pew Research finds
An unwillingness to compromise is a common denominator among supporters of Donald Trump in his bid to return to the White House, according to Pew Research. A new national survey of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters found 63% believe it is important for a Republican nominee to avoid compromising their agenda, compared to only 36% who want their candidate to find common ground with Democrats. 

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